Build in a weekend,
not in weeks

Download our Next.js + Firebase SaaS template. Complete with payments and auth.

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Let's be honest. You're tired of wasting time.

+6 hrsto setup Firebase auth
+8 hrsto configure Stripe payments
+6 hrscrafting a dashboard layout
+7 hrsmaking it mobile responsive
+20 hrsconnecting it all together
+4 hrsdeciphering complex docs
+120 hrsrecovering user data

= 171+ hours of headaches 🤕

There is a better way

Lightning-Fast Setup

One script deploys your full stack in 5 minutes

Friendly Documentation

Worry-Free Testing

Battle-Tested Stack

Will's picture

Hey, I'm Will 👋

I'm the creator of React SaaS, with a decade of startup adventures under my belt. Every year I found myself building the same features over and over for each new project.

My wake-up call? Accidentally deleting a production database and watching $300 MRR vanish overnight. Ouch. That's when I realized: we need a better way to build and scale SaaS products.

Enter React SaaS. Born from battle scars and countless late-night coding sessions, it's designed to:

  • Save Time: bye-bye, repetitive auth and payment configs
  • Protect User Data: isolated prod and dev environments
  • Scale Easily: Let you focus on what matters: building a killer product

My goal? To help you avoid the pitfalls I've stumbled into and give your next big idea the launchpad it deserves. Let's build something amazing together!


Choose the plan that best fits your needs. No hidden fees, ever.

50% off for the first 50 users!


Get lifetime access to our SaaS template.

  • Free updates for life
  • In-depth documentation
  • Easy deployment
  • Customizable example components
  • Responsive design
  • One-time and recurring payments
  • Dashboard layout
  • Unlimited access to all features
  • Priority support


Get our help to launch your SaaS fast.

  • Monthly 1-on-1 calls
  • Private Discord access
  • Personalized goal tracking
  • Custom roadmap creation
  • Code reviews
  • Tailored resources and tools
  • Networking opportunities
  • Pause or cancel anytime
  • Priority support

Everything You Need to Build Your Next SaaS

Our template provides a comprehensive set of features to help you build and launch your SaaS quickly without all the headaches.

Shadcn Integrated

Beautifully designed and accessible UI components.

Landing Page

Beautifully designed landing pages to showcase your product.

Dashboard Layout

Flexible dashboard to manage your application.

Mobile Responsive

Beautifully designed for mobile and desktop devices.

Example Components

Specifically built to help you learn Firebase and Stripe.

Legal Pages

Simple modals for Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

User Settings

Customizable dashboard components for user preferences.

Security Settings

User-friendly interface for managing account security options.

Accelerate, Deploy, Profit

Stop wasting time on payment integrations or crafting dashboard layouts. Focus on what matters: your product.